
As with all retailers, the pandemic hit our client Charles Tyrwhitt pretty bad. With their stores closed and everyone working from home aka wearing sweatpants, sales had plummeted. With lockdown coming to an end they tasked us with devising a campaign that would get Charles Tyrwhitt front of mind and get men buying shirts again.


We created a campaign to help our audience recover their style and get back to proper business. Joggers. Slippers. Old trousers. God forbid no trousers. It was time we gave our audience a gentle nudge in the right direction with our CT style consultants there to help. By creating a style intervention, with a full tongue-in-cheek recovery programme, we launched our campaign with a film to dads everywhere from their children. Following on from the launch of our film, we challenged men to take the first step in any form of rehabilitation: to admit there was a problem.


We encouraged them to own to their style crimes, and encouraged family and friends to stage an intervention for those struggling to see out of the slump. Charles Tyrwhitt received a massive influx of nominations from offenders themselves and concerned family members. We rewarded a lucky few with proper shirts to get them back to business.

The next step was to help men actually do something about the problem and take active steps to recovery. So we gave men all the support and resources they need to get back on track. This included a style helpline with personal stylists there to help, recover guides on the blog and online so men can relearn the back to business basics (like how to tie a tie or to get reacquainted with shoes) and a promotional offer to get them back on track.