Disruptor sports tech brand eo approached us to help launch their innovative first-of-its-kind ‘power meter for your swim’, eo SwimBETTER. But how could we generate buzz around this wave-making new product whilst demonstrating its unique functionality, all on a shoestring budget?



By year end, 85% of those researched felt warmer towards Severn Trent with Trust in Severn Trent at 90%. 76% stated they were more likely to save water as a result of our marketing strategy and 78% likely to reduce shower time.

During a twelve week, year on year evaluation, in just one part of the region, water demand had fallen by almost 50 million litres, equating to 200 million litres per year. Equally there was a 220% increase in customers attending to their pipes and drains.

But, even more remarkably – having begun the period in ninth place on CmEx, the year didn’t just end with a podium finish but with Severn Trent in the number one position.