Well, here is the Covid-19 problem no one saw coming… British men have stopped donating sperm. In fact, due to the multiple lockdowns, donations have plummeted 66%. At the same time, unemployment has risen drastically, with 693,000 people having lost their jobs directly because of the pandemic. Assuming 50% of them are men, that’s a lot of potential sperm donors sitting on their hands at home, when they could be putting them to better use (for £35 a donation).
W**K FROM HOME is a campaign aimed at turning some of these men into active donors, by giving them the tools to donate sperm from the comfort of their own homes (they’ll also make a bit of money whilst they're at it). Cheeky, provocatively placed, social and digital ads will encourage men to visit the London Sperm Bank WFH microsite and sign up to become a donor. They'll then receive their W**K FROM HOME kit in the post, complete with a how-to guide, MEN AT W**K door hanger, donation pot, ice pack and temperature-controlled return packaging.
Once they've got the job done, they can put their donation on ice and pop it in the post safely to the London Sperm Bank. Upon receipt, each donor will receive payment, and the London Sperm Bank's supply will return to normal levels. As an extra incentive to donate we’ll also provide donators with a report outlining the health and motility of their sperm.